Published on December 14th, 2019 | by drkkr
0Online Education
Online education is a very good alternative for anyone who is already employed and is keen to upgrade their skills and talents. The challenge in pushing it to the student community is threefold:
1. Students absorb theoretical and textbook learning best in formal classroom settings because they are habituated to it,
2. They need the physical tactile experience of campus, institution, classroom and
3. They are habituated to online for entertainment and pass time activities.
To ask them to make a switch to academic frame of mind while they have a phone or a pad in their hand is borderline unkind.
However, the online education that has rethought itself from the ground up is the answer. If we can mimic the structure, the speed and the methodology of the online expertise and translate it to a learning agenda then we have something to talk about. We need UI and UX designers who also have a teaching qualification and experience to do that.
I have always wondered what would emerge if you locked a group of educational and sports UI and UX designers into a room and taked them with coming up with online education modules. Now there is a recipe for success.